Thursday 31 July 2014

5. The Hierophant

Hand: The Hierophant’s right hand held up in such a manner is a sign of benediction. This position (mudra) symbolizes a blessing of love and spiritual well-being. His position is also pointing heavenwards, which reinforces the spiritual blessing. As the people come to the Hierophant, this hand blessing is sought out by them – it is an assuring motion and grants the people assurance that all of their spiritual needs are met.
Keys: What do keys do? They unlock doors. The keys of the Hierophant card symbolize the keys to spiritual knowledge, and wisdom. The ancient Greeks depicted keys as symbols for knowledge and life. This specific card symbol: A gold & silver key crossed is a papal emblem of authority and translates to mean the “keys to the kingdom of heaven.” As such, the Hierophant is seen to be an authority, and the holder of the kingdom keys – again, an intermediary figure or translator between God and man.
Staff: This is the symbol of the triple cross and is one of the symbols used in the office of the Pope, who is the global head of the Roman Catholic Church. Each mark is symbolic level of devotion – meaning: 1) the Father, 2) the Son, and 3) the Holy Ghost. This staff is another sign of the Hierophant’s authority and his supreme status. This symbol reinforces the Hierophant’s responsibility of the spiritual well-being of the people. The staff, (as well as the keys, and the hand blessing) are all external signs that the Hierophant is more than qualified to extol spiritual advice and leadership to
The Hierophant represents getting an education, pursuing knowledge, becoming informed, increasing understanding studying and learning, seeking a deeper meaning, finding out more, having a belief system, sharing a cultural heritage, learning a religious tradition, honoring ritual and ceremony, identifying a world view, following a discipline, and knowing where to put your faith. The Hierophant also represents Conforming, following the rules, taking an orthodox approach staying within conventional bounds, adapting to the system, fitting in
going along with the program, doing what’s expected, being part of the Establishment, identifying with a group, being committed to a cause, devoting energy to a group, joining an organization, working as part of a team, feeling loyal to others, and being in an institutionalized setting.
Except in rare cases, every human grows and develops within a culture. We learn by living with others. The Hierophant represents such official learning, especially in groups. A Hierophant is someone who interprets secret knowledge. On Card 5 we see a religious figure in a formal church setting. He is wearing the elaborate vestments of his office. His task is to bring the two initiates into the church so they can take up their appointed roles.
Besides churches, there are schools, clubs, teams, companies, and societies. The Hierophant represents all of these because his realm is structured groups with rules and assigned roles. Such environments emphasize belief systems – facts, rules, procedures, and ritual. Members are rewarded for following conventions. They develop a group identity. The Hierophant is one of three cards that focus on the group (The 3 of Cups and the 3 of Pentacles are the others).
In readings, the Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves.
Eventually, the Fool ventures out of his home into the wider world. He is exposed to the beliefs and traditions of his culture and begins his formal education. The Hierophant represents the organized belief systems that begin to surround and inform the growing child.  A Hierophant is someone who interprets arcane knowledge and mysteries. On Card 5 we see a religious figure blessing two acolytes. Perhaps he is inducting them into church membership. Although this image is religious, it is really a symbol for initiations of all kinds.  The child is trained in all the practices of his society and becomes part of a particular culture and worldview. He learns to identify with a group and discovers a sense of belonging. He enjoys learning the customs of his society and showing how well he can conform to them.
  • Fool – being “crazy” and unorthodox
  • Lovers – personal beliefs
  • Two of Wands – diverging from the crowd, being a pioneer
  • Seven of Swords – being a lone wolf
  • Two of Pentacles – being flexible, changing with the times
  • Emperor – following rules
  • Three of Cups – focusing on the group
  • Three of Pentacles – working in a team or group
  • Eight of Pentacles – learning, studying
  • Ten of Pentacles – conforming, following rules, conservative
Tree Number: 16
Ruled By: Taurus
Hebrew Letter: Vau

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