Thursday 31 July 2014

0. The Fool

The Dog: Dogs typically represent loyalty and faithfulness. In this case, the dog symbolizes our reward when we express true faith on our path. As we continue to step out in faith, and blindly follow our bliss we shall gain the loyalty and recognition from people, places and events in our lives. Other Tarot decks depict the dog loyalty tugging at the Fools robes, preventing his fall into the chasm below. Yet another confirmation that when the Fool continues on his mission of passion, protection is available and the details miraculously fall into place.
Knap Sack: How long do you think the contents of the little knap are going to sustain our hearty fool? Exactly, here again, the Fool is taking little time to consider the practical matters of his journey. However, what if the knap sack contains something far greater than consumables. Look closely at the image. Some say it resembles testicles, and these represent the seed of the Fool’s philosophical offspring. This depiction is a reminder of personal responsibility. We all carry the seed of consequence upon our own journey.
The Fool is about beginnings, entering a new phase, striking out on a new path, expanding horizons, starting something new adventure, going on a journey, heading into the unknown.
The fool is spontaneous, living in the moment, letting go of expectations, doing the unexpected, acting on impulse, feeling uninhibited, surprising someone, and feeling carefree.  The fool is about having faith , trusting the flow, staying open, letting go of worry and fear
feeling protected and loved, living in joy, recapturing innocence, believing, embracing folly, accepting your choices, taking the “foolish” path, pursuing a pipe dream, being true to yourself, taking a “crazy” chance, trusting your heart’s desire
The Fool lies at the beginning of the major arcana, but also somewhat apart from the other cards. In medieval courts, the court jester was someone who was not expected to follow the same rules as others. He could observe and then poke fun. This makes the Fool unpredictable and full of surprises. He reminds us of the unlimited potential and spontaneity inherent in every moment. There is a sense with this card that anything goes – nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds the new and unfamiliar to a situation.
The Fool also represents the complete faith that life is good and worthy of trust. Some might call the Fool too innocent, but his innocence sustains him and brings him joy. In readings, the Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction – one that will guide you onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. He also reminds you to keep your faith and trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem.
If the Tarot is seen as a journey of the Fool, then the Fool stands for each of us as we begin our journey of life. He is a Fool because only a simple soul has the innocent faith to undertake such a journey with all its hazards and pain. At the start of his trip, the Fool is a newborn – fresh, open and spontaneous. The figure on Card 0 has his arms flung wide, and his head held high. He is ready to embrace whatever comes his way, but he is also oblivious to the cliff edge he is about to cross. The Fool is unaware of the hardships he will face as he ventures out to learn the lessons of the world.  The Fool stands somewhat outside the rest of the major arcana. Zero is an unusual number. It rests in the exact middle of the number system – poised between the positive and negative. At birth, the Fool is set in the middle of his own individual universe. He is strangely empty (as is zero), but imbued with a desire to go forth and learn. This undertaking would seem to be folly, but is it?
The fools is a jester and jesters play tricks! The fool can be a trickster!  I am Hugh Fox and my name literally means “fox spirit”.  The fox is a trickster in many European tales so maybe I am a fool.  A trickster may think he is doing a trick for personal gain but the trick is on the trickster, actually the trick may serve a deeper purpose unbeknown by the Fool!
  • Hierophant – following convention, routine
  • Death – ending, closing down
  • Devil – feeling cynical, lacking faith
  • Two of Swords – blocking off experience, feeling tense, holding back
  • Four of Pentacles – order and regularity
  • Hanged Man – having faith in what is, going with the flow
  • Star – innocence, faith, trust
  • Judgement – rebirth, new starts
  • Three of Wands – expanding horizons, going into unexplored territory
Tree Number: 11
Ruled By: Air
Hebrew Letter: Aleph

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